"MRT or Muscle Testing"
Learning the basics
Stomach: The stomach is part of the digestive system. It is a hollow, muscular organ between the end of the oesophagus and the beginning of the small intestine. It sits in the upper left part of the abdomen. The stomach's role is to break down food which comes into the stomach from the oesophagus. Muscles in the stomach mash food. Gastric juices are released from glands in the mucosa-the innermost layer of the stomach. These juices turn the food into a thick fluid. The thick fluid passes into the intestine, where nutrients begin to be absorbed from the broken-down food, through the walls of the small intestine, into the bloodstream. Spleen: The spleen receives blood from an artery off of the aorta. After passing through an intricate meshwork of tiny blood vessels, the blood continues to the liver. The blood vessels of the spleen are surrounded by nests of B lymphocytes - mainly of the memory type. As the blood slowly moves through the spleen, it is monitored by T-cells for any non-self invaders. If some suspicious cell or molecule is detected, it is presented to the resident B-cells for a match to an appropriate memory B-cell. Once a matching B-cell is activated, the cell divides rapidly and begins producing antibodies dimaped against the invading antigen. The spleen blood vessels are also lined with macrophages which swallow and digest debris in the blood such as worn out red blood cells and platelets. In a disease such as mononucleosis, the macrophages in the spleen become overactive and trap a higher number of white blood cells. In the process, the spleen becomes swollen and may even rupture. Ovaries: The ovaries are two organs located in the pelvis. They are the size and shape of almonds. The ovaries are found on either side of the uterus and connected to it by the fallopian tubes. The ovaries have two functions: * to produce hormones that help regulate the menstrual cycle * to produce the egg (ovum) released during each menstrual cycle This ovum may unite with a male sperm cell to form a fetus, or it may be discarded as part of a woman's menstrual flow. At menopause the ovaries shrink in size and stop producing ovum. Esophagus: Its role in digestion is simple: to convey boluses of food from the pharynx to the stomach. Liver: The largest organ in the body. The liver carries out many important functions, such as making bile, changing food into energy, and cleaning alcohol and poisons from the blood. Gall Bladder: The gall bladder begins our digestive process by breaking down fats and producing the bile necessary for proper digestion. Kidneys: The kidneys' main job - making urine The main function of the kidneys is to remove waste products and excess water from the body. Each kidney has a drainage system that takes urine from that kidney to the bladder. When waste products of food reach the kidneys, it is the function of the kidneys to excrete them in the urine, and they do this by filtering the blood, removing the waste products and leaving the nutrients in the blood. The kidneys play an important role in controlling this blood pressure. Calcium and phosphate are two minerals found in the blood and in the bones. If the bones are to stay strong and healthy, there must be a cormap balance of these minerals in the body. The kidneys help to maintain this balance. Prostate: The prostate is made up of thousands of tiny fluid-producing glands. The fluid that the prostate gland produces forms part of semen, the fluid that carries sperm during orgasm. This fluid, produced in the prostate is stored with sperm in the seminal vesicles. When the male climaxes, muscular contractions cause the prostate to secrete this fluid into the urethra, where it is expelled from the body through the penis. PSA The prostate produces a protein called Prostate specific antigen (PSA). PSA is released with the ejaculatory fluid and can also be traced in the blood stream. The testing of PSA levels in the blood is used to detect prostate cancer. In addition to the prostate's role in producing ejaculate, it also plays a part in controlling the flow of urine. The prostate wraps itself around the urethra as it passes from the bladder to the penis. Muscular fibres in the prostate contract to slow the flow of urine. |