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Feminine Health Part II
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Protect Your Feminine Health
[Progesterone, Uterine Fibroids, Endometriosis, Ovarian Cysts]
Enhance Progesterone
Because estrogen stimulates uterine tissue, uterine fibroids are a sign of problems with xenoestrogens and the inability of the liver to detox excess estrogen. If you have problems with fibroids, follow the tips for avoiding xenoestrogens and use some detoxifying supplements like Cellular Detox.
When there is heavy bleeding associated with fibroids, Menstrual Reg may be helpful. Yarrow is a single herb that can be very effective for fibroids. Yarrow not only helps control bleeding, it is a "blood moving" herb that breaks up stagnation and helps the body dissolve the fibroids.
The second leading cause of hysterectomies, endometriosis involves the growth of estrogen-sensitive uterine lining tissue outside of the uterus. This tissue sheds and bleeds with the monthly cycle and can lead to scarring and infertility. It can cause painful periods, pelvic pain, bowel disturbances and cramps. Because of its relationship to the monthly cycle, problems with endometriosis naturally end with menopause. As with uterine fibroids, a good place to start with natural therapy for endometriosis is to reduce overload of xenoestrogens by avoiding them and enhancing liver detoxification.
False unicorn, which down-regulates estrogen and upregulates progesterone is also helpful for endometriosis.
Also consider black cohosh or Wild Yam & Chaste Tree for hormone regulation.
Paw Paw Cell Reg has been helpful for some women in getting rid of the uterine tissue growing outside of the uterus. It can be taken with IF-C to reduce inflammation and pain.
If there is cramping, antispasmodic remedies such as Cramp Relief and/or Lobelia Essence may be helpful. Surgery may be necessary in some cases.
If either fibroids or endometriosis have caused anemia due to blood loss, consider taking I-X or Chinese Blood Build.
Ovarian Cysts
Ovarian cysts can be symptom free in early stages, but they can also cause absent or scant periods, pelvic pain and distention and excessive bleeding. While medical science does not know the exact cause, in natural medicine, cysts are considered a sign of toxicity and are created to store toxins the body is having trouble eliminating. So, taking supplements to enhance liver detoxification, such as Cellular Detox, is a good place to start when approaching this problem naturally. Pau d'Arco (tea or capsules) is also helpful for detoxification.
To ease pain and promote healing, you can apply Nature's Fresh topically over the affected area. To help balance out hormones, consider taking Wild Yam & Chaste Tree for at least three to six months. Since diabetes and obesity are risk factors for ovarian cysts, cleaning up your diet by avoiding refined carbohydrates and eating more complex carbohydrates like fruits, vegetables and whole grains is also important.
Fibrocystic Breasts
This condition involves cysts that develop in the breast tissue and cause swollen, tender or painfal breasts. A common problem, over 30% of women between 30 and 50 develop breast cysts. Fortunately, they are usually benign and only 10% of fibrocystic conditions develop into breast cancer.
Again, avoiding xenoestrogens and enhancing liver detoxification is the starting place for natural therapy. Because caffeine tends to aggravate this condition, it should be avoided. Essential fatty acids, like Super Omega-3 EPA are also helpful for cystic breasts, as are Vitamin E and Vitamin B6.
To reduce breast swelling and tenderness, it is important to improve lymphatic drainage by wearing correctly fitted bras.
Lymphatic Drainage Formula and exercise will also help.
Additional Suggestions
Used with the tips for protecting yourself from xenoestrogens, the following practices can reduce your risk of feminine health problems, including breast cancer.
** Second, avoid excess alcohol and caffeine. They can contribute to reproductive disorders.
** Third, reduce stress by filling your life with pleasurable activities.
** Fourth, pamper yourself regularly.
** Fifth, regular exercise will also help maintain both your reproductive and general health.
For additional tips and suggestions on maintaining feminine health, do not hesitate to ask questions by e-mail