About Toxins
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About Toxins

Where are toxins coming from?

Toxins are all around us, in the containers that carry our food, in the carpet we walk on, in the food we eat and in the air we breathe. Read the National Geographics article entitled The Chemicals Within Us and find out why detoxification is so important.

Detox homeopathic products can be found here


Bowel Detox
General intestinal cleansing and bowel maintenance.
Key Product
This broad-spectrum combination of vitamins, minerals, herbs and enzymes is designed to be a one-stop-shopping supplement for intestinal system health.
Bowel Detox combines bulking, absorbing and loosening agents with peristaltic action stimulants.
Additional ingredients are included to reduce gas and odor and promote more complete digestion.
The added vitamins and minerals are targeted at the nutritional needs of the intestinal system.

Recommended Usage
Take two capsules with morning meal and three capsules with evening meal daily.


Detox Basics

Recommended Use

Take the contents of one packet (2 tablets, 4 capsules) before a meal, once daily.


Cellular Detox
A general cleansing formula that supports all of the eliminative systems.

It helps to stimulate bowel and kidney function while aiding detoxification and lymphatic drainage. Its principle ingredient, gentian, is an excellent simple bitter for the digestive tract. It also contains the blood purifiers yellow dock and dandelion and the fragrant bitter black walnut.
Two alkaloidal bitters, goldenseal and oregon grape root, containing the antimicrobial alkaloid berberine are also part of this formula.
Cellular Detox has been used for conditions such as acne, skin eruptive diseases, body odor, breast lumps, cysts, fibroids, polyps, parasites and tumors.
It works best as part of an overall cleansing program that includes drinking plenty of water and taking fiber and digestive enzymes such as Food Enzymes.

The capsule contents can also be emptied and mixed with water to make a poultice to apply topically for cysts.

Caution if anemia, emaciation, vertigo or chronic debility.

Recommended usage:
Try taking 2 capsules with a large glass of water two or three times daily.


Enviro-Detox (Key Product)
Detox Program for ALL the eliminative systems.

This combination is designed to support the detoxifying functions of the liver, lungs, kidneys, skin and intestines.
These are the major eliminative organs.
They are responsible for processing and eliminating the many food additives, household chemicals and other pollutants that we take in. Enviro-Detox may be used daily.
In addition, Pepsin helps to digest and destroy proteins that could otherwise be absorbed in the intestine and trigger immune system allergy responses. Finally, L. Sporogenes, supplies probiotics (friendly bacteria) to repopulate the intestinal tract. This variety does not require refrigeration like acidophilus does.

Recommended Usage:
Sart by taking one capsule with morning meal and one capsule with evening meal daily.

Heavy Metal Detox
Scientists estimate that over 50 percent of U.S. residents have too much heavy metal in their bodies.
These metals, which include lead, mercury, aluminum, cadmium and arsenic, are found in industrial byproducts as well as in tainted drinking water, pesticides and even things as common as dental fillings and cooking utensils.

Heavy Metal Detox is a potent detoxification support product designed to bind with and remove heavy metals in the body.
This formula also supports the liver and its efforts to cleanse, detoxify and replenish the body with essential minerals. The key ingredient, cilantro, appears to decrease the level of heavy metals in the body and increase their levels in the urine. 
Caution: Do not exceed recommended dose. If headache, nausea or diarrhea develop, reduce dosage and see your health care provider.

Recommended usage:
Take 1 capsule with a meal twice daily.

Skin Detox
Blood purifier for acne, eczema, psoriasis, boils.
This complex formula is like a small army, spreading out to clean, adjust and fix the many factors that contribute to toxic skin symptoms.
The skin is an eliminative organ and will be used for "overflow" by the body if other eliminative channels don't do the job.
The herbs in SKIN DETOX have astringent, antiseptic, cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties.

They provide nutrients for all of the eliminative organs and control glands. Many of them have a long history of use for skin problems. Ayurvedic formulas are based on the healing traditions of India.

Recommended usage:

Start by taking 1 capsule with a meal twice daily.

Small Intestine Detox
Soothing digestive aid.

Helps digest proteins and remove mucus from the intestines.
Cleans and strengthens the intestinal tract.
Helps improve absorption and eliminate gas.
Pepsin is a protein-digesting enzyme, it will help digest meals containing protein. It is also used to clear accumulated protein waste from intestinal walls. This allows the villi in the small intestine to make full contact with digested food for improved absorption.
Marshmallow is an absorptive food that carries the pepsin and then takes up and carries out bowel toxins.
It also lowers bowel transit time.

Recommended usage:
Start by taking 1 capsule with a meal three times daily.

Yeast Fungal Detox
A healthy body is host to a delicate balance of yeast and friendly microflora. That balance is easily compromised through a poor diet and some prescription medications, turning your body into a breeding ground for yeast and fungal infections.
Excesses of yeast and fungus can compromise the immune, digestive and urinary systems.

Yeast/Fungal Detox is a potent detoxification product formulated to inhibit the growth of unfriendly organisms and help restore the body to optimal performance. This formula helps maintain the balance of microorganisms and supports the immune, digestive and urinary systems to promote optimal health.

Caution: Do not exceed recommended dose. If symptoms of headache, nausea or diarrhea develop, reduce dosage and see your health care practitioner.

Recommended usage:
Take 1 capsule with a meal twice daily.


"Fifty years after the introduction of toxic chemicals into our environment - chemicals originally intended to enhance our lifestyles - we are left to wonder if our lives are truly enhanced. Or are we actually polluting our reproductive health, as well as our children's health with these "life-enhancing" enviromental toxins?

The truth is that, today, more than 70,000 synthetic chemicals are used commercially and approximately a thousand more new chemicals are introduced into our environment each year. It's hard to know exactly how many of these chemicals are actually harmful enviromental toxins that may damage our reproductive health, as well as our general health and the health of our children. This is especially true when we consider the fact that only a handful of these potential enviromental toxins have been adequately tested to determine their effect on humans and other forms of life. "
From Tracee Cornforth - Your Guide to Women's Health.

Toxins & the body

Toxins are discharged from the body by the liver, kidneys, lymphatic system, colon, lungs and skin.
As more and more toxins accumulate in our system, they place severe stress on these organs of elimination. With continued accumulation, the liver, kidneys, and other organs begin to malfunction, causing a weakening of the immune system. The endocrine glands no longer secrete the proper amounts of hormones into the bloodstream - metabolism slows, producing a hospitable environment for illness.

The gradual accumulation of low levels of toxins cannot yet be measured by conventional analytical methods, so many doctors deny their existence. As instrumentation and measuring methods become more sophisticated, such toxic states will be recognized as dangerous.

Diet and Detox

You can detoxify your body using different methods. Diets are often used for this purpose.

Body detox diets vary but typically involve eating or drinking nothing but raw, steamed or gently stir-fried vegetables and fruit, pulses, sprouted seeds, thin vegetable soups, red grapes, natural juices.

Detoxification involves a change in eating habits in an attempt to detoxify your body. These cleansing diets may last anything from a day to a week or even more, although they should not be continued for more than 2 or 3 weeks. Some cleansing diets focus on flushing toxins from the liver and other organs.

Skin brushing

Before you go to bed brush your skin make sure it's dry so brush before a bath. Skin brushing stimulates the lymphatic system and encourages the expulsion of toxins. (See picture on the right)

Now have a bath to which you have added two drops of rosemary oil. Gradually add cool water until, over a period of about half an hour, the water is quite cold. This further stimulates the lymph.


Copy1994 - 2023 Four Winds, Inc. USA
Disclaimer: We do not directly dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of herbs or supplements as a form of treatment for illness. The information found on this Web Site is for educational purposes only and to empower people with knowledge to take care of their own health. We disclaim any liability if the reader uses or prescribes any remedies, natural or otherwise, for him/herself or another. Always consult a licensed health professional should a need be indicated.