Nature's Fresh: Miracle Worker in a Bottle
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Nature's Fresh: Miracle Worker in a Bottle

By Steven Horne and Nature's Field

In the 1980s, Nature’s Sunshine Products (NSP) introduced the enzyme spray called Nature’s Fresh as household stain remover and deodorizing agent.  The product is remarkably effective at knocking out all kinds of odors (pet smells, smoke, food odors, and even the smell of skunk).  It is also a natural, and completely non-toxic, stain remover for clothing, carpets and household use.  What Nature’s Sunshine didn’t realize was that they were also bringing an amazing aid for healing the body into the marketplace. 

It all started when some innovative NSP Manager felt inspired to spray Nature’s Fresh over the area of a spinal slipped disk.  They had read that disks were composed largely of enzymes and decided to try using the enzymes in Nature’s Fresh topically to promote healing in the disk.  It worked!  Before long, NSP Managers were spraying Nature’s Fresh on just about everything with almost miraculous results. 

The product has so many uses that some NSP Managers started referring to it as the real Windex™ of My Big Fat Greek Wedding!  (Of course, you would have to see the movie to understand this little joke.) When you’re finished reading this article, we hope that you’ll realize this is a product no home should be without!


What is Nature’s Fresh?
Nature’s Fresh is a mixture of six different classes of enzymes (derived from plants) suspended in water. It also contains a small amount of surfactant (an agent to reduce liquid surface tension so it will spread out) to help evenly disperse the enzymes when sprayed. 

For those into chemistry, the enzymes in the Nature’s Fresh product include oxidoreductases (enzymes that catalyze oxidation-reduction reactions), transferases (enzymes that promote transfer of a group from one molecule to another), lyases (enzymes that form double bonds on the substrate), hydrolases (hydrolytic enzymes-splitting water), isomerases (enzymes that catalyze the conversion of its substrate to an isomeric form), and ligases (enzymes that catalyze the linking together of two molecules). 

For those who aren’t into chemistry, this simply means that Nature’s Fresh contains a wide variety of enzymes that can catalyze a wide variety of chemical reactions.  This allows it to chemically alter a wide variety of organic odor molecules and organic stain molecules.  It also allows it to catalyze a wide variety of healing actions in the human body.

Keeping the Home Clean (and Safe) with Nature’s Fresh

Unlike chemical cleaning products, deodorizers and household products, Nature’s Fresh uses natural, non-toxic enzymes to break apart stain and odor molecules.  It works much like the digestive enzymes in the body.  By breaking apart amino acids (proteins) or fatty acids (fats or oils) that bind stains and odors to fabrics, carpets, etc., it helps to break them free and emulsify them (hold them in solution) so they can be removed. Nature’s Fresh works on organic stains and odors and that includes just about everything.

Nature’s Fresh used with NSP’s Sunshine Essential Shield Concentrate, a natural household cleaning product, and a few essential oils can eliminate the need for just about all other household cleaning products.  This helps protect the family’s health by reducing exposure to chemicals.  Here are some suggested uses for Nature’s Fresh (and Sunshine Concentrate)

General Cleaning Uses

Nature’s Fresh is very effective for cleaning walls.  It will remove food stains, cigarette smoke and dirt.  For spots spray on directly, for large jobs mix 1/4 cup with one gallon of water and a capful of Sunshine Essential Shield Concentrate Cleaner to create an effective general cleaning solution.

Nature’s Fresh is also great for cleaning counter tops, cabinets and floors in the kitchen and bathroom.  It can be sprayed on directly, or diluted in water (about 1/8 cup per gallon).  Add about 15-20 drops of a disinfecting essential oil such as thyme or tea tree oil and you have an all-natural disinfectant spray for bathroom and kitchen cleaning.  Nature’s Fresh can also be sprayed on towels and wash clothes to keep them smelling fresh.  When diluted with an equal amount of water, Nature’s Fresh makes an excellent glass cleaner. 

Nature’s Fresh can also be sprayed anywhere mold and mildew accumulate. It is even more effective when essential oils have been added to it.  It removes the mildew and sets up a protective barrier that lasts about one month.

Clothes and Laundry

To remove odors, spray Nature’s Fresh directly clothes and allow them to air out for a short period of time.  This works for cigarette smoke, body odor and other smells.  Nature’s Fresh can also be sprayed directly on stains to help remove them and onto shoes to remove foot odors.

Use Nature’s Fresh in your laundry to remove stains, eliminate bacteria and boost the strength of your detergent.  It works better than other laundry strain removers. Put 1/4 to 1/2 cup in with each load and let it set for a few minutes before beginning the cycle.  We also suggest using Sunshine Essential Shield Concentrate Cleaner for your detergent

Air Freshener

Nature’s Fresh makes a great air freshener.  It doesn’t just mask odors, it actually breaks them down and eliminates them. Spray Nature’s Fresh directly on to affected areas to help remove dirt, pet accidents and odors, cooking odors, etc.  Many people have reported it works much better than Fabreeze™ and is completely non-toxic. To create a pleasant smelling air freshener spray, simply add about 15-20 drops of one of your favorite essential oils (lemon, pink grapefruit, lavender, etc.) to a bottle of Nature’s Fresh.

First Aid in a Spray Bottle

The enzymes in Nature’s Fresh works wonders on the human body in ways we’re just beginning to discover. According to the latest studies, we’re learning that enzymes can not only break down substances, they also change chemical structures, creating new compounds the body can use.

Nature’s Fresh can be sprayed on topically for a wide variety of health problems.  It can even be taken internally (about 1-2 tablespoons per day) to help heal both acute and chronic health problems.  Nature’s Fresh tastes a bit soapy, but you can disguise the taste in something like pineapple juice without deactivating the enzymes.


Pain Relief

Nature’s Fresh can be very effective in relieving pain when applied topically.  It works even better when some essential oil (Tei Fu Oil) is added to it.  Just spray it on for tension, back pain, arthritis, injuries, etc.  Many people have reported dramatic results with easing various kinds of arthritis pain using Nature’s Fresh.  Others have reported using Nature’s Fresh both topically and internally to ease the severe pains associated with fibromyalgia.  Nature’s Fresh is not a permanent cure for these problems, so other supplements, dietary changes, etc. need to be implemented to remove the underlying causes of painful conditions like arthritis or fibromyalgia.

Back and Disk Problems

Nature’s Fresh has worked wonders for many people with chronic back pain or disk problems. It can be used by itself or in combination with Tei Fu oil to ease pain and promote healing.  Massaging Lobelia Extract and Tei Fu oil into the muscles along both sides of the spine, then spraying on Nature’s Fresh, can help realign the spine without having to go to the chiropractor. 

Nature’s Fresh is particularly effective for disk problems.  It has been applied topically to ease pain and promote healing for slipped disks, herniated disks and degenerative disks.  It can also be mixed with PLS II and a little goldenseal to make a poultice, which can be applied over areas in the back with disk problems to promote healing without surgery.

Breast Problems

Women have been amazed to find that spraying Nature’s Fresh on the breasts has helped lumps to disappear.  There is some evidence that the use of underarm antiperspirant deodorants increases the risk of breast cancer because it stops toxins from being eliminated through the sweat glands under the arms.  This causes toxins to build up in the lymphatics in the chest and breast area.  One NSP Manager had a client who started using Nature’s Fresh for a deodorant and had a breast lump she had had for over 10 years disappear.  Other women have started using chlorophyll internally and Nature’s Fresh externally to control body odors as a means of keeping their breasts healthy and are reporting good results.

Injuries and Burns

Nature’s Fresh can be applied topically to minor injuries to prevent bruising and reduce swelling.  It also helps bruises to heal faster.  Nature’s Fresh can help sprains, strains and even broken bones to heal faster.  It is applied topically to these injured areas.  It can also be used as the liquid to mix a poultice to apply to an injury.  Simply empty capsules of Bone/Skin Poultice, then add enough Nature’s Fresh to the powders to make a paste.  Apply the paste to the injured area and cover with a bandage.  (Poultices should be changed every 6-8 hours.)  

Nature’s Fresh has also been used topically to relieve the itch, swelling and discomfort of bites and stings.  People report it has been effective for ant bites, mosquito bites, chigger bites, and even jelly fish stings.
Nature’s Fresh can help ease the pain of sunburn and promote more rapid healing.  Apply aloe vera gel liberally to the affected area, then spray repeatedly with Nature’s Fresh to keep the skin moist.

Dental Uses

Nature’s Fresh can help to heal problems with teeth and gums.  It can be used as a mouth rinse or brushed onto the teeth and gums.  A great mouthwash solution for gingivitis is a mixture of Nature’s Fresh and Silver Shield.  Nature’s Fresh and clove oil can be used together to ease toothache pain.  Nature’s Fresh has also been reported to keep teeth from getting sore after getting braces.


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Disclaimer: We do not directly dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of herbs or supplements as a form of treatment for illness. The information found on this Web Site is for educational purposes only and to empower people with knowledge to take care of their own health. We disclaim any liability if the reader uses or prescribes any remedies, natural or otherwise, for him/herself or another. Always consult a licensed health professional should a need be indicated.