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Acid conditions
(Dr. Ted Morter "Your Health,
Your Choice")
* Your cells produce acid as they function, and your lungs eliminate
it every time you exhale. That is good!
* Our body must constantly contend with acid, the one it produces
is relatively weak and does not cause problems. The one we
get from eating too much proteins and other acid-producing foods
is stronger and causes many problems.
* Put inferior gas in your car and the engine will run very poorly.
The same applies to our body.
* The term pH stands for "Potential of Hydrogen" . The pH of a
substance is measured on a scale from 0.00 to 14.00. The midpoint,
7.00, is neutral: it is neither alkaline nor acid. Water, in most
cases has a pH of 7.00. The lower the number the more acidic,
the higher, the more alkaline.
* Recommended only for infants for whom mother's milk is not available
** Leaves an alkaline ash, however it has other properties detrimental to the body
Corn Oil |
Corn Syrup |
Refined sugar |
Olive Oil |
ACID ASH FORMING FOODS **Remember... We should eat ONLY 20% acid forming foods |
Bacon Barley Beef Blueberries Bran, oat Bran, wheat Bread, white Bread, whole wheat butter Carob Cheese Chicken Codfish Corn Corned Beef Crackers Sodas Cranberries** |
Currants Eggs Flour, white Flour, whole wheat Haddock Honey Lamb Lentils, dried Lobster Milk, cow's ** Macaroni Oatmeal Oysters Peanut butter Peanuts Peas, dried Pike |
Plums** Pork Prunes** Rice, brown Rice, white Salmon Sardines Sausage Scallops Shrimps Spaghetti Squash, winter Sunflower seeds Turkey Veal Walnuts Wheat germs Yogurt |
Notes: |
Catarrh, Mucus, Phlegm
(Iridology volume II by Dr. Bernard Jensen, DC., N.D.)
Enzymes that catalyze
certain reactions in the process of cell metabolism cease to function
when the acid-alkaline equilibrium is unbalanced in either directions.
Acid wastes are developed as a consequence of cell metabolism
and are carried away through the elimination systems.
Hyperactivity represents an accelerated effort
by the body to throw off acids so that cell metabolism may be
restored to normal. For that reason, catharral buildup is frequently
associated with an acid condition as the body metabolizes all
its resources to rid itself of acid wastes.
Acid produced by muscle activity are neutralized
by potassium.
Calcium, sodium and phosphates are also used
in the process of buffering acids.
When the sodium falls too low in the blood stream it is removed from the wall tissue of the digestive tract.
When calcium is too low, it is removed from the bones.
If sodium and potassium are in short supply in the blood
stream, the kidneys filters these chemicals from the urine and
return them for reuse.
This is successful only to the extent that there are sufficient
amounts of these biochemical in the first place.
When sodium is lacking, the digestive system is affected.
When calcium is short, our nerves get edgy.
The most alkaline food element is organic sodium (NOT table salt),
and next is magnesium. Other alkaline food elements are: potassium,
calciums (BUT NOT ALL CALCIUMS), manganese and iron.
Potassium performs an alkaline function in the muscles
(the heart is also a muscle).
Calcium, in the bones.
Magnesium, in the nerves.
Manganese, in the brain.
Iron, in the blood.
Sodium, in the alimentary tract and in many bodily secretions.
When cells cannot function, they die (aging process).
When the acid that causes the problem is still present, cells
cannot form to replace the dead ones. This condition can only
deteriorate, unless something is done.
Chlorine (not the one going inside a pool!) deficiency contributes
to a sluggish liver and is associated with glandular swelling.
This element is the cleanser in the body, expelling waste, freshening,
purifying and disinfecting. (Goat's milk, cucumber, radishes,
carrots, leeks will help replenish chlorine)
Catarrh, mucus, phlegm (a thick mucus):
* Mucus lining the wall of the nasal passages, throat, bronchial
tubes and the rest of the respiratory system picks up dust, pollutants
and microorganisms which are expelled by ciliary activity or destroyed
by phagocyte.
* Mucus along the intestinal walls protects and lubricates tissues
as food and wastes are moved along by peristaltic action. It also
binds fecal particles together and buffers small amounts of acid
in the bowel.
* Catarrh is mucus which has reached the running stage when the
body is waging an all-out fight against these foreign substances.
* Phlegm is a drying catarrh, a thick, stringy substance that
may be brought up from the throat by the cough reflex.
* Catarrh can be discharged from the mouth, the nose, the ears,
sinuses. It can also come out through the breasts, uterus, vagina,
ovaries and tonsils.
* A tumor can result from a blockage of catarrh, a localized catarrh
congestion. We must keep the elimination channels clear and opened.
* If we use unnatural methods such as over the counter drugs,
cold and cough remedies to suppress catarrh, it will dry and harden
the tissues along with the toxins carried with it. Doing so is
to prolong the day of reckoning!
* Kidney stones may develop.
Bladder stones can be forrned by certain waste acids.
Good nutrition (digestion and assimilation) builds the body
up; good elimination keeps the body clean.
Follow with "Activating the body"