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There are so many different herbs and supplements available, the question naturally arises, "Where do I begin?" This simple ABC+D system helps a person get a 'Jump-start' in understanding how to improve health using herbs and nutrition. (This system is adapted by Steven Horne M.H., from a concept that originated with his teacher, Edward Millet.)


The body has a natural capacity to heal itself. Often if we simply believe we are going to get well, we will, regardless of whatever else we do. There are many ways to help activate the healing process, but the most basic way lies in helping people develop positive attitudes and emotions.

Positive thinking electrically stimulates the nervous system and activates the healing energy of the tissues.

Deep breathing, as practiced in meditation, is a good way of centering and calming one's emotions. Deep breathing supply oxygen to the bloodstream. To breathe is to feel and to feel is to be alive. When you supply your body with deep breathing you stimulate the recuperative abilities of your body. As you think and direct positive thoughts toward those parts that are sick, you activate the healing principle within your system.

Certain supplements can help activate the healing process. These include homeopathic remedies and aromatherapy oils, both of which influence the subtle energies and emotions of the body.
However, the most important supplements for activating the body are enzymes. Enzymes act as the "spark plugs" of the life process. Every biological function is controlled or aided by the action of enzymes. Raw foods contain enzymes, as do many cultured foods (raw yogurt, sauerkraut, etc.). However, heat destroys enzymes, so a diet consisting primarily of cooked and processed foods lacks natural enzymes.
During digestion, food travels into the upper half of the stomach, where it remains for a period of about 20-30 minutes. Here the stomach begins to pour out secretions of hydrochloric acid and pepsin to break down the proteins in the food.
At this time the enzymes that are naturally present in raw or enzyme-rich foods have a chance to predigest the food. As much as one-third of the digestion process can take place with the enzymes that naturally occur in food.

When you eat a diet of predominately cooked and processed foods, the body cannot take advantage of this predigesting, and the entire work of digesting food falls upon the digestive organs, particularly the stomach and pancreas. This not only places excess stress on these organs, it also reduces enzyme activity elsewhere in the body.

One basic thing a person can do to help improve nutrition is to eat raw and cultured foods that are rich in enzymes. If this is not possible, taking a plant enzyme supplement can help reduce the stress on digestive organs and preserve the body's natural enzyme systems.
The major plant enzymes are found in Proactazyme . They are:

• Protease, an enzyme used to digest proteins.
• Lipase, an enzyme that breaks down fats.
• Amylase and glucoamylase, enzymes that supplement the secretions of the saliva and aid the digestion of starches.
• Cellulase and pectinase, enzymes that help process plant fibers like cellulose. Proactazyme aids in the digestion of all food groups except dairy foods, which require the enzyme lactase.

Lactase helps break down the sugars in milk.
Adding these enzymes to the diet is a universal need for most Americans. We recommend that you start your health-building programs with Proactazyme.

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Disclaimer: We do not directly dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of herbs or supplements as a form of treatment for illness. The information found on this Web Site is for educational purposes only and to empower people with knowledge to take care of their own health. We disclaim any liability if the reader uses or prescribes any remedies, natural or otherwise, for him/herself or another. Always consult a licensed health professional should a need be indicated.