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Product ID 1240
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Cordyceps (90 caps) (ko)

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Price: $46.85

Build vitality, strength and general health.
Cordyceps sinensis (CS-4 strain - grown in controlled fermentation).
The China National women's track and field team created a sensation when they unexpectedly broke records in 1993 and 1994. They were drinking a tonic made from cordyceps which has adaptogenic properties similar to ginseng but is considered several times stronger.
It has the reputation of restoring energy and slowing the aging process.
Cordyceps helps to increase respiratory ventilation for both athletes and debilitated individuals.
It improves function and protects kidneys from toxic damage.
The polysaccharides in cordyeeps stimulates a variety of immune cell functions including natural killer cells and CD4 lymphocites.
It is recommended for patients, including cancer patients, with immnune deficiencies.
It lowers blood pressure, platelet aggregation, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides while raising HDL and blood supply to the heart and brain.
It improves regulation of blood sugar and insulin production. Clinical studies typically use 3-5 g/day.
Recommended is 2-3 g/day. Mild effects may be evident within a week while significant effects may take 3-6 weeks.

Cordyeeps studies have only been conducted on adults. People using immune-suppressing drugs anticoagulant drugs or bronchio-dilators should consult their health-care practitioners before using this product, as serving size adjustments may be required. Pregnant or lactating women should also consult their health-care practitioners before using this product.

Comments from Mr. Steven Horne, RH (AHG)
Cordyceps is a fungus that grows on caterpillars in high mountain areas. The adaptogenic and health -promoting benefits of cordyceps make it one of the most highly prized herbs in both Tibetan and Chinese medicine.
Cordyceps is a tonic, which means it enhances the underlying reserves, giving it anti-aging and vitality strengthening properties.
One study done on this herb suggested that it enhances production of mitochondrial adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the universal molecule that powers cellular functions.
Research shows that cordyceps can enhance athletic performance, reduce fatigue and balance blood sugar levels, making it another useful tonic for people who have diabetes or metabolic syndrome.
It enhances lung health and is a very useful tonic for anyone with chronic lung diseases like COPD and asthma.
Dose is 2 capsules twice daily.

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