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Product ID 1297
Manufacturer Nature's Sunshine

Bronchial Formula, Ayurvedic (100 caps)

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Price: $52.05
Bronchials - Ayurvedic formula For symptoms of asthma and bronchitis
The herbs in BRN-AV are selected to strengthen respiratory tissues and improve digestion, partly by stimulating the production of digestive enzymes.
Poor digestion is often a strong factor in respiratory congestion or constriction.
For instance, incompletely digested proteins can trigger allergic reactions that release histamines.
They help dilate bronchial tubes, reduce inflammation, expel phlegm, fight infection.
Many of them contain aromatic components that help make mucus thin and runny so that the body can eliminate it.
Ayurvedic formulas come from the healing traditions of India.

Adhatoda vasica, licorice root, alpinia galanga, clerodendrum indicum, inula racemosa, myrica nagi, phylianthus emblica, hedichium spicatum, picrorhiza kurroa, anise, pistacia integerriina, sida cordifolia, ginger and ocinum.

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