"MRT or Muscle Testing"
Learning the basics
SELF CONFIDENCE IS INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT FOR A TRUE FINDING. The most important part of muscle testing is the state of mind in which we find ourselve. Perhaps you saw the news show, 20/20 when they did a segment on chiropractors and the use of various methods of rnuscle testing. Each doctor's results were a little bit different every time, even though the same client was being tested. The reason the results varied was due to the frame of mind of the tester. Each person has his own characteristic, his own personality, and therefore a different mentality. "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." Muscle testing is in part a mind game. If three of us got together and each tested the exact same points on the exact same person without knowing each others results, we would all get a slightly different finding. We all may be correct. None of us are necessarily wrong, but your results are by products of the intention which was flowing through your mind. Muscle Testing will tell you exactly what you want to know. Some can say it is all in your head. If you test someone and are wondering in your mind what is causing that big hairy mole on the face of the person you are testing, your results will tell you what is causing the mole. If someone else tests the same person and is focusing on how to fix the rash the person is complaining about, the results will be different than yours and more accurate in helping the problem which the client was addressing. It goes back to the intention of the mind. This being the case, let us talk about testing points. Let's assume you get the sodium and potassium points mixed up on the face. If accuracy is really a state of mind, it does not matter which side you use to test the sodium or potassium. As long as you are not confusing your brain attempting to decide which point is which in your head while you are in the process of testing, your findings will be true. It is not the point you touch, but the point you are thinking. This is why many people have found others using a different point than they themselves use. Ultimately, everyone's point maybe accurate, depending on the intention. |