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View Index of Most Common Health Issues
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For Chidren Common Ailments [ see list & links here ]


3 Causes of diseases [ Your internal health determining lifestyle is controlled by your personal Toxicity, Timing, and Thoughts ]


Acid Alkaline Foods [ Our body must constantly contend with acid, the one it produces is relatively weak and does not cause problems. The one we get from eating too much proteins and other acid-producing foods is stronger and causes many problems. ]

ADHD [Common Sense About Drugs, Learning Problems and ADHD]

Aging Gracefully [We cannot make the rational decisions which really could help improve our health and delay the aging process ]

Aging: Avoid Diseases associated with age

Aging...Growing Older does not have to mean Getting Sicker

Aging and memory

Albumin [The most abundant protein component of blood, produced primarily in the liver ]

Allergy Childhood [ An allergy is the body's defense against a substance which is not normally harmful to the body.
Pollens, cosmetics, dust, drugs, insect bites and stings, chemicals, foods, molds, and animal hair, to name a few, cannot really hurt the body. They are known as allergens. ]

Allergic Reactions

Allergies Food [Many people suffer allergic reactions to common foods such as wheat, milk, eggs, potatoes and so forth. In response to these foods, the body develops problems like hayfever, asthma, colitis, rashes, hives, headaches and even depression.]

Allergies Seasonal [Seasonal allergies affect more than 35 million Americans, with symptoms occurring anywhere from early spring through late November.


Alzheimer's, Dementia [There is No Reason to Lose Your Mind As You Age ]

Amino Acids [Amino acids are the building blocks of protein which comprises approximately three-fourths of the body's dry weight ]

Andropause [Every healthy male will experience a decrease in the production of testosterone, the "male" hormone, as he ages. ]

Anemia [Although anemia is not specifically a female condition, more women than men suffer from it ]

Antacids [ Many people routinely use antacids for relief of heartburn or as a calcium supplement. The truth is that both of these choices are usually nutritionally unsound]

Antibiotics [antibiotics contribute to yeast infections, which weaken the immune system as well as kill the friendly bacteria in the colon ]

Antiobiotics Side Effects

Antioxidants list [Antioxidants neutralize Free Radicals, Slow the Aging Process Prevent Chronic & Degenerative diseases.]

Anxiety [when the nervous system becomes depleted and exhausted, in modern society we call it “burnout"]

Anxiety Depression

Arthritis [ The term “arthritis” means “inflammation of the joint” and this disease is the leading cause of physical disability in the country. ]

Asthma Children

Autocrines Hormones & Herbal Pharmacy for Women [Certain PMS symptoms, such as food cravings, sugar cravings, headaches, fatigue and dizziness are associated with low prostaglandin production. ]

Auto Immune disorders [ Sometimes things go awry and the immune system becomes confused enough to begin to attack the body's own tissues. This is what causes autoimmune disorders. ]

Avoiding Age Related Diseaes

B12 Vitamins

Back Pains Explained [ Many factors may contribute to this problem. One is poor posture. Another is an inadequate supply of the minerals needed to build healthy bones and connective tissue. ]

Bacteria and Probiotics [ Bacteria are single-celled organisms that live in and around us. Bacteria may be helpful, but in certain conditions may cause illnesses. ]

Basic Advices

Bio-Energy [ In a typical session, the primary aim is to locate any energy disturbances or blockages in the body’s energy field. It is then simply a case of clearing these interruptions to restore the natural flow of energy to the bio-energy field. This allows the body's self healing mechanisms to kick in. ]

Bites and Stings

Bitter Orange [For respiratory & digestive issues]


Blood Disorders [ It circulates in our veins and arteries and is the life support system of our body ]


Blood Purifiers [ Our blood constantly pumps through our bodies bringing nutrients which are vital for life and health. Unfortunately our blood can also carry damaging toxins which work against the body's functions. ]

Blood sugar problems [ too much sugar is as bad as too little sugar. When there is too much sugar in the blood stream the cells can’t use it fast enough and it “clogs” the blood capillaries. It is similar to the problem a carburetor on a car has when the fuel mix is too rich. ]

Blood Type [food that is good, neutral or to be avoided based on your blood type]

BMI in lbs

Bowel Inflammatory Disorders [ Intestinal inflammation is caused by chemical damage to the linings of our digestive tract. It creates abdominal pain and discomfort, bloating or swelling, and other symptoms of indigestion ]

Brain Balance

Brain Boosters [ To learn some of the herbs, nutrients and practices that can enhance your “brain power.” ]

Brain Health [ IQ can change and there are many things that can be done to improve our “brains.” ]

Brain (Nourishing The Brain) [ When the body is deficient in nutrients, oxygen or both, the brain is one of the first organs to suffer. ]

Breakfast Recipes [Organic]

Breast [ questions and answers ]

Breast Assured [ For women, breast cancer is probably the most serious threat ]

Breast Cancer and dairy products [ “controllable” risk factors readily translate into simple changes that we can all make in our day-to-day lives to help prevent or treat breast cancer. My message is that even advanced breast cancer can be overcome because I have done it. ]

Breathing Deep [learning the right technic and why it is so important for one's health ]

Breathing Energy[ How to breath to benefit one's health ]

[ what you need to know about.. ]

Cancer [ A natural approach ]

Cancer: is it a fungus?

Cancer: [People often ask me what would I do If I were diagnosed with cancer? or life-threatening illnesses. ]

Cancer [How the acetogenins from Paw Paw can help fight cancer]

Cancer Possible Leading Causes

Candida Diet [Very important! ]

Cancer Prevention

Candida - Yeast

Candida Albicans

Candida diet

Canker sores


Cardiovascular Help

Caring For Our Earth

Carpal Tunnel

Catch Health... Not A Cold!

Cats & Dogs

Cell Thoughts

Cellular Vitality [ What is cellular vitality? All living organisms depend on efficient energy generating processes at the cellular level ]

Change of Life

Chlorophyll liquid and Chlorophyll Gel caps [What is the difference]

Chocolate [ Before you grab a chocolate candy bar or slice of chocolate cake, it’s important to understand that not all forms of chocolate contain high levels of flavanols. ]

Cholesterol regulating

Cholesterol... The truth about it.

Chronic Fatigue

CLA About

Cleansing [ Colon Cleansing: Take the test ]

Cleansing Products

Cleansing Programs [are we actually polluting our reproductive health, as well as our children's health with these "life-enhancing" environmental
toxins? ]


Cold and Flu [ keep your internal environment clean and you will rarely catch colds, flu or anything else ]

Cold and flu & Modern Medicine

Cold Remedies

Collagen (Collatrim) - About Collagen's benefits

Colloidal Silver [ kills bacteria, viruses, mold, and other pathogens on contact ]

Colon Issues

Colostrum [ It contains more specific proteins, and less sugar, fat, and calories than the milk that will follow. - Colostrum is high in sodium, potassium, and chloride. ]

Colostrum Viral

Common Sense Food

Cookware (Healthy)

CoQ 10

Corona Virus


Covid Fear & Precautions

Cravings [ Consumption of massive amounts of sugar, salt, caffeine or fried foods drastically affects homeostatic balance. ]

Cystic Disease

D3 Vitamins

Dairy & Breast Cancer

Deep Breathing

Dehydration [11 Reasons Why Dehydration is Making You Fat and Sick ]

Dementia [Protecting your brain from the damages of Aluminum, Mercury and lead]

Dental Problems [ bacteria get out of your mouth, they infect blood vessels and contribute to heart disease ]

Depression read also Feeling Great Again

Designer Food (Thai-Go)

Detoxification [Products to detox ]

Detoxification II [Understanding Detoxification and Toxins - A very good explanation of what toxicity is all about .. a must read! ]

Detox Products Guide


Diabetes Type 2

Diabetes Prevention

Diabetes Tips

Digestion and enzymes

Digestion Explained

Digestive Health

Digestion Inflammation

Digestive Tract Disorders

Diseases [ Origin of Diseases ]

Diseases and Homeopathy suugestion

Doctors should know

Dogs & Cats

Dosages for supplementation [When someone is very ill ]


Eat Those Fats

Eating Healthy

E-Coli [ A few particularly nasty strains, such as E. coli O157:H7, can cause severe, bloody diarrhea and abdominal cramps, followed by serious organ system damage such as kidney failure. ]

Eczema [ Eczema, the “rash that itches”, has several names. The most common ones are atopic dermatitis and neurodermatitis. It can be present anywhere on the body.]

Eczema Psoriasis

Elders Health: A smart insurance policy


Elimination (colon)

Energy (lack of...)

Energy Medicine

Environmental Pollution

Enzymes [ if I were limited to only being able to recommend one supplement it would be enzymes. Plant enzymes to be specific. ]

Enzymes and the gut

Erectile Dysfunction

Essentials to know, learn and act upon (A must read for most people)

Estrogen dominance

Eyes Problems [ The eye is a good barometer of your general health ]


Fat Metabolism

Fatty Acids

Fatty Liver

Feeling Great

Feet and Nails [answers for many foot problems]

Feminine Health [ Protecting Yourself from Xenoestrogens ]

Fever [ children ]

Fibroids [ uterine ]

First Aid Kit

Flu Prevention

Fluke-Parasite [ Infection by the liver fluke parasite is a major health concern for millions of people ]

Focus (How to stay focus naturally)

Food Combining [ with images and text ]

Food A Common sense approach [ The traditional four food groups are largely a product of economic lobbying on the part of the food industry, and have little to do with a healthy, natural diet.

Food Poisoning

Food Pyramid [for people with a serious health condition ]

Food Sensitivities Food allergy and food intolerances

Food without fear [We focus too much on what we eat - not on where what we eat comes from or how it was grown. ]

Food Mild Food Diet

Food: Real Food Diet

Foundation of good health

Free Radicals

French Food [ very good article and full of common sence! ]

[ The gallbladder serves an important digestive function. It is required to emulsify fats.]

Gallbladder Flush [ Many people have safely eliminated gallstones by doing a gallbladder flush. ]

Garlic [ a clove a day keeps the doctor away! ]

Gastro Intestinal Problems [ The GI Tract is the way we get energy we need to live, and the main way we eliminate byproducts and toxins we are exposed to daily]

Germanium sesquioxide [ Germanium sesquioxide, or organic germanium is being used orally, topically, and even intravenously ]

Germs and Aromnaterapy Oils [ Keeping Germs at Bay With Essential Oils ]

Gluten - Flour [ why more of us should steer clear of wheat ]

Gluten Test

Glycemix Index

Grape Cure [ The GRAPE CURE has been used even in the healing of degenerative diseases. ]

Gut Health

Gut About

h1n1 Virus

Hair [ about your hair and help for hair loss ]


Headaches/Migraines [ Test and help ]

Healing [ Healing Takes Time And Understanding ]

Healing Art [ Hippocrates taught: Whoever treats of this art should treat of things which are familiar to the common people. ]

Health Tests

Heart Health [ When it comes to heart disease, prevention, not treatment after the fact, is critical ]

Heart Tonics

Heat Protection

Heavy Metals [ Learning disabilities, neurological disorders, autoimmune disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue and even cancer can involve heavy metal toxicity ]


Hepatic Systems types, symptoms and suggestions

Hepatitis - Cyrrhosis

Herbal pharmacy for women [ Most visited page! ]

Herbs for children [ Samuel Thomson, wanted an herbalist in every home. He wanted parents to be able to take care of the health needs of themselves and their children. ]

Herpes and Oxygen [ The herpes virus cannot exist in an elevated oxygen environment. ]

Hiatal Hernia [It is common for a person who has a degenerative disease to have a hiatal hernia and aweak digestive system. ]

Hormones and Herbs

Household Chemicals

HPV [ Human Papillomavirus, more commonly known as HPV, is a viral infection spread through skin to skin sexual contact. ]

Hyperactivity - ADD [ Hyperactivity is a condition when the normal exuberance and energy of youth get out of control ]

Hydrochloric acid


Ice Cure [ one of the best ways to renew our healing energy and restore our homeostasis. The ICE CURE is an old remedy from Johanna Brandt to relieve inflammation, pain, fever and heal from flu and virus, sunburn etc… ]

Immune Children

Immune Disorders [for people with a life threatening disease ]

Impotence - Erectile Dysfunction [ Holistic Medicine expert Dr. Ellen Kamhi discusses her views on the latest alternative treatments for erectile dysfunction ]

Indoor Pollution [ You will begin to better understand why people catch colds and bacterial infections including staph and respiratory infections. You will also find out how molds and VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) trigger allergic reactions. More importantly, you will learn how to reduce your chances of catching a cold, infection, or having allergic reactions caused by the contaminants in your air.]

Infant Weaning [Mother’s milk is best, but for how long? The best answer to that age-old question is probably just to leave it up to each mother and child to decide. ]

Inflammatory Bowel

Inflammatory Digestive Tract Disorders [ When the digestive system becomes inflamed, problems such as irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers and hemorrhoids ]

Insomnia [ Insomnia can be caused or exascerbated by physical, mental, behavioral and environmental factors. ]


Iron deficiency [Iron is sometimes called the second-most important mineral in the body (calcium is first).]

Juice fast
[ One of the safest and quickest ways of helping the body eliminate all kinds of toxic matter. ]

Kava Kava [ Supports the nervous system. Helps muscles relax without dulling the senses. Promotes relaxation, especially during occasional stress. May promote more restful sleep.Promotes feelings of well-being. ]

Key Health Issues

Kidneys (About the kidneys)

Kidney Issues

Kidneys Role

[ gardening without chemicals ]

Leaky Gut

Lecithin [ Like the dreaded cholesterol, lecithin is produced within the liver when adequate nutritional substances are available.]

Leg Cramps [ stops leg cramps in a minute or less! ]

Lemon Cleanse Diet

Lemon water benefits


L-Arginine [ The nitric oxide derived from arginine is directly or indirectly implicated in practically every cellular response and health condition imaginable, from the cardiovascular system to the immune system, and hormone function to nerve function.]

Lipedema [Lipedema: a condition that causes excess fat in the legs, thighs and buttocks]

Liver: Attitude and deprrssion

Liver Functions [ Resisting infection, maintenance of many blood chemical levels, cleansing of the blood (in concert with the kidneys).
the manufacturing of new proteins, optimal digestion, iron storage from which new blood cells are made, controlling blood fats, including cholesterol, clotting will occur at the correct rate, quick energy reserves. ]

Liver Health [ The liver aids in metabolism and digestion, and is a major detoxifying organ, breaking down and neutralizing harmful toxic substances. The liver plays a role in the production of blood-clotting substances and produces much of the body’s cholesterol, which is required for the synthesis of hormones and the maintenance of healthy cell membranes. The liver also aids in controlling blood sugar levels by releasing stored glucose when blood sugar levels fall too low. ]

Love, Self Esteem and Health [ A healthy life starts first and foremost with acceptance and love for self ]

Lyme Disease [ Lyme disease spirochetes disseminate from the site of the tick bite by cutaneous, lymphatic and blood borne routes ]

Lymphatic System Explained

Lymphatic System [ Lymph is a clear fluid that circulates around the body tissues ]

Lymphatic system and wearing bras [women who do not wear a bra are 22 times less likely to get breast cancer than bra wearers]

Macro Minerals [ calcium, phosphorus, sodium and chloride, potassium, magnesium and sulfur ]

Magnesium & Magnesium L-Threonate

Male Reproductive system [key herbs which act as hormonal for the male hormones, aphrodisiacs and tonics to the male reproductive organs]

Mammograms vs Thermograms

Massage for chronic pain

Mega-Chel Program (Cardio vascular issues)

Melatonin and the gut

Memory [ Memory is essential for learning and for functioning in the society, therefore anxiety about memory loss is quite prevalent. ]

Men Sexuality & Reproductive problems [ The average man’s sperm count is half what it was 70 years ago. Half of all American men have problems with impotency (the politically correct term now is erectile dysfunction). Prostate cancer is the number one cancer among men (one in three men is expected to get it) and testicular cancer is on the rise. 60 percent of men over 40 have prostate problems. ]

Men sexuality [Clinical tips for men reproductive issues]

Menopause [ Menopause, or the “change of life,” is a natural process that occurs in most women between the ages of 38-60 ]


Migraine headaches

Milk [ perfect for... baby calves ]

Milk Thistle

Mind-Max [maximise your brain health]

Minerals and Your health [ Minerals not only play a vital role in the formation of bones, teeth, muscles and connective tissues, they are also critical to body functions. This is because minerals play an essential role in activating the thousands of enzymes that run every process of the body. ]

Mineral Depletion (18 causes)

Minerals (Ionic Minerals ... Important to read, best liquid sources for balanced minerals)

MSM MethylSulfonylMethane (MSM)

Mucus [ about... ]

Muscles Sore

Mycotoxins [ Mold toxicity is often the end result with constant exposure to mold of a toxic substance ]

Nails [ Changes or abnormalities in the nails are often the result of nutritional deficiencies or other underlying conditions ]

Nature's Fresh Enzyme Spray

Nausea Vomitting

Nervous system [ The human nervous system is the most overworked system in modern society. It carries more information bits per second than your personal computer, (and it comes already programmed!). ]

Nervous System and your pupils [The easiest way to determine which direction the system is imbalanced is by looking at the size of the pupils. The sympathetic nervous system dilates the pupil, making it larger, while the parasympathetic nervous system contracts the pupil making it smaller. ]

Neurotransmitters [ The discovery of neurotransmitters has greatly altered our understanding of mental illnesses and other disorders of the brain.]

Nourishing The Brain

Nutrients for people over 50

Olive Leaf

Osteoporosis [ large amounts of calcium supplements does not improve bone density/mass in the presence of high-protein foods and starches ]

Osteoporosis and Calcium [ If the blood becomes more acid, then more calcium is lost from the bones, as the skeleton tries to reduce acidity and bring the blood back to normal. ]

Osteoporosis and gluten [ I was having nosebleeds every day along with headaches, abdominal cramps, leg cramps, muscle twitching, tingling in my fingers and toes, bone pain, etc. About three days after going gluten free, I felt better. ]

Oxydative Stress

Oxygen and CellFood [ Cellfood is a proprietary ionic formula that contains 78 ionic minerals, 34 enzymes, 17 amino acids, electrolytes and dissolved oxygen— and utilizes a unique water-splitting technology. ]

Oxygen and your health [ The less oxygen in our cells, the worse we feel. We can die either quickly or slowly from lack of oxygen. ]

Pain [ chronic pain relief what to do - joints, muscles, arthritis inflammation & more ]

Pain - What causes pain

Pancreas [ Digestion and Blood Sugar Control as it produces the hormoneinsulin, which helps tocontrol the amount of sugar in the blood]

Papaya and Coq10

Paraben About

Parasites [ parasitic disease in North America is skyrocketing because of increased international travel, contamination of the water and food supply ]

Parasites and children [ parasites are far more common in the "civilized" world than people imagine. Many of us with chronic health problems may be surprised to discover that they have parasites ]

Parents [ Children are subjected to the rewards and penalties of the diet and lifestyles of their mothers ]

Periods problems [ Aids to female problems - Knowing about nutritional elements can make all the difference in solving your particular problems.]

Paw Paw

Paw Paw for head lice

Period issues

Personnal Care [ it just seems right to look for personal care products that are natural, products that can add to your therapies instead of detract from them ]

Pet's [ 6 Ways To Improve Your Pet’s Life With Authentic Essential Oils ]

pH measuring & balancing [ A pH-balanced environment maintains proper metabolic function and allows the body to function optimally ]

pH Examples [ IMPORTANT to check... ]

Pineal Gland [ It is associated with biological responses to light and regulation of the body's circadian rhythms such as sleep. ]

Pituitary [ a master gland one has to know abouit ]

PMS If you suffer from PMS

Point of view about health in general

Pneumonia Children

Positive thinking

Precocious Puberty and Consequences [ Presently, one girl out of six eight-year-olds in the USA, Australia and Britain is racing into puberty. In fact, it is a pattern emerging in young girls all over the world. ]

Pregnancy healthy parents - healthy children

Progesterone Powers [ Progesterone makes the body more receptive to the thyroid hormone and to estrogen. Progesterone is also the perfect counterbalance for estrogen’s negative effects ]


Progesterone power


Prostate benign

Protein sources

Proteolytic Enzymes

Puberty (early) [This is not only a worrying trend but a very serious public health problem. ]

Roots of health
[ Do You Have the Guts to Be Healthy? ]

Seasonal Allergies

Seaweeds [Faulous health from the sea!]

Seniors Health

Sense sensitivity [These senses are the information gatherers and sentinels, which teach us and help to guard our bodies from harm. ]


Shingles [ Shingles usually begins with an itch, a tingling sensation, or a stabbing pain, usually in the skin of the torso or the face on one side of the body. ]

Silver Shield [ Colloidal Silver: how to properly use this excellent product ]

Sinusitis - Sinus Problems [ Sinus problems frequently occur when sinuses are plugged or swollen.]

Skeletal Strength

Skin Cancer(s) [There are three major types of skin cancer — basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma ]

Skin problems [ lots of valuable info there ]

Skin [about the skin ]

Sleep Cycle [ One of the biggest obstacles I face when coaching people to optimal health is getting them to understand the importance of going to bed on time. ]

Sleeping Difficulties [ stages of sleep, reports from Western physicians, and medications (serotonin boosters) ]

Sleep Timing - Getting enough resst?

Sodas [9 Ways Soda Destroys Your Health ]

Soft Drinks [Carbonated soda pop provides more added sugar in a typical 2-year-old toddler's diet than cookies, candies and ice cream combined]

Spoting Yeast Infection

Staph [ Study finds 'alarming' rise in head and neck illnesses caused by MRSA bacteria ]

Stomach problems [ If you suffer from problems associated with the digestive system ]

Stress & Consequences [ Amphetamines give people a high. This helps explain why some people actually live on stress . . . until their adrenal glands (or something else) just wears out. ]

Stress Help

Stress Management

Sugar Monster

Sugar Related Problems [ About 100 years ago, the average yearly intake of simple sugars was only about 4 pounds per person. Today, the average American or Englishman consumes 150 to 170 pounds of sugar per year ]

Sunlight benefits

Super GLA [The three oils in GL.A are evening primrose, black currant, and borage oil. While each of these oils is a source of GLA, each also offers other benefits that the others may not, making for a powerful combination.]

Systemic Enzymes

Tea Tree Oil
[ Tea tree oil contains constituents called terpenoids, which have been found to have antiseptic and antifungal activity. ]

Teens troubles

Teeth? Is there a danger inside your teeth?

Terrain (our biological terrain - im[orttant to know!)

Test your health & More [ Probably the most important page on this site... ]

Thai-Go [ The Only Functional Beverage Certified For Consistent Antioxidant Quality ]

Tiao He Cleanse [ An excellent cleansing program - use it 3 times a year ]

Thymus and Covid

Thyroid and parathyroid [ The thyroid is a very important endocrine gland. Located at the base of the neck, it secretes two hormones which help regulate the body's metabolic ratethyroxin (T4) and tri-iodothyronine (T3). ]

Tiao He Cleanse intructions

Tonic Herbs


Toxins & More [About toxins and how to detoxify the body]

Trace Minerals [ trace minerals, are essential to cellular and glandular metabolism. ]

Travelling healthy [ Unfortunately, traveling has become hazardous to our health ]

True Health - A logical approach to better health

Turkey Stuffing [ Overeating is a typical American past time, especially during the holiday season... ]

Una De Gato (Cat's claw)

Understanding Cancer Patient [ Homeopathic point of view ]

Understanding detoxification

Urinary Support [Our bodies are composed of up to 60% water, and the urinary system manages all of it. This makes the kidneys, which process water-soluble wastes, especially vital to our overall health ]

Urinary Diseases (Avoiding)

Vaccines [know that vaccines have some risks that may outweigh their benefits and that there are effective ways you can boost your immune system without taking a shot in the dark!]

Varicose Veins [ When the valves no longer prevent back flow of the venous blood, the abnormal pressure dilates the superficial veins, causing stagnation and pooling of the blood. This results in permanently dilated veins, which are not only unsightly, but also painful. ]

Video Games [ When it comes to video games, there is no shortage of critics who say that these games are corrupting our youth ]

Viral Infection Children [ Chicken pox, measles, and mumps are acute, infectious diseases of childhood which, although uncomfortable, rarely develop into serious illnesses. It is generally good for parents to be familiar with the symptoms of these viral infections and know of their potential complications. ]

Viral Infection (adults)

Vision [Nutrition, Herbs and Exercise For Better, Eyesight]

Warts [Explanation and removal]

Weeds can be very good medicine!

Weight issues

Weight Gain - Loss

Wild Yam Cream [ Used by the body to manufacture progesterone, alleviating the symptoms of hormonal imbalance. ]

Women Issues [ a woman's monthly cycles follow an intricate weave of shifting hormones. Like harmonious music and dance in a theater play, all the parts work together to produce a beautiful and thrilling result. ]

Xenoestrogen Protection [ xenoestrogens are causing serious health problems in both men and women ]


Yeast (Candida) overgrowth [ The most common reason why yeast starts growing out of control is antibiotics. ]

Yeast spotting



Copy1994 - 2023 Four Winds, Inc. USA
Disclaimer: We do not directly dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of herbs or supplements as a form of treatment for illness. The information found on this Web Site is for educational purposes only and to empower people with knowledge to take care of their own health. We disclaim any liability if the reader uses or prescribes any remedies, natural or otherwise, for him/herself or another. Always consult a licensed health professional should a need be indicated.